As you all know, hurricane Ike left a devastating path of destruction across the Texas coastline and the need for food, clothing and necessities for the victims is in mammoth proportions. Musicians and artists all across the state are organizing benefit concerts and fund raisers. Please give anything that you can and look for donation centers for the Red Cross. There is a link posted here and more will be coming as soon as we get them.
There are untold numbers of families involved and many have small children. Day after day there are more stories being told of people being forced to evacuate with just a few dollars in their pockets and no other means of getting food, water or clothing. FEMA and other organizations are doing what they can but sometimes the wheels of government agencies move too slowly and needs are not being met. It will be up to the generosity and good will of fellow Texans to get these people through this situation and they are coming forward to meet it head on.
Right now, can goods, paper products, water and things like diapers and child care products are what's most desperately needed.
So do what you can and the links and schedules for the benefit concerts will be posted as they come along. http://www.redcross.org/